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11. | The Homescholar Total Transcript Solution Lee Binz Shares The Secrets Of Creating Great Homeschool Transcripts That Will Impress Colleges. No Matter How You Homeschool, Parents Are Capable Of Creating Effective Transcripts That Provide A Clear Picture Of Their Students Academic Record. |
12. | Home Is Where The Smart Is Children With Down Syndrome Can Learn, And They Can Learn More Efficiently And Effectively At Home. This eBook Will Give You Proven Methods For Teaching Your Special Needs Child, So You Can Give Him A Solid Foundation For Lifelong Learning. |
13. | South African History File Folder Projects Printable Lapbooking Projects About Various People Groups And Eras In The History Of South Africa Including The San, The Dutch, The French Huguenots, The 1820 Settlers, The Isixhosa, The Zulu, The Great Trek, The South African War And More. |
15. | Eye Can Too! Read A Series Of Three eBooks Sold Separately That Provide Graded Academic Activities For Pre-K Through 8th Grade Home-schoolers That Rely On And Provide Experience Using Learning-Related Vision Skills. Some Call These "Vision Therapy Workbooks" |
16. | The Spelling Bee Toolbox Spelling Bees Are All The Buzz Around The World! Provides Teachers With All The Tools Needed For Successful Spelling Bees. Word Lists, Sentences, Rules, Organizational Helps, Award Certificates, Worksheets, And More! For Gr 3-5 And 6-8. |
17. | Everyday Education - Literature, Home School Teens, etc. Homeschool Through High School & Beyond With Easy To Use Resources! Transcripts Made Easy, Get A Jump Start On College, Grammar Made Easy, Excellence In Literature, And More. We Are A Real Company With Quality Books And Audio Resources. |
18. | Kids Halloween Activities Printable Kids Halloween Activities. Includes Puzzles, Mazes, Halloween Games, Math Worksheets, Coloring Pages And Much More. Ideal For Home Or School. Popular With Parents And Teachers. Keep Children Busy And Happy This Halloween! |
19. | Speed Study Techniques - Top Selling Book "Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort". The Title Says It All. Reveals Speed Study And Accelerated Learning Techniques So You Can Study Smarter, Not Harder. Simple System That Anyone Can Use To Improve Their Grades. |
20. | Teach Your Child To Read Glenn Doman Method E-Flash Cards Get Free Gift For Your Child! We Provide Over 3800 English, Chinese And Maths E-Flash Cards Preschool Words Multimedia System With Picture And Audio For You To Teach Your Child, That Are Extremely Simple, Your Child Will Love It. |
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